Creating images with QR code in Ruby

Don’t know why but recently I have decided that I want to have a QR code with URL on each page of my blog that will be visible on printer-only variant of blog. Unfortunately after I have prepared a proof of concept version, I realized that in fact I don’t need it, and most likely nobody will need it, at least on my blog. But just for historic reasons I want to share my experience. I hope it will be helpful for at least somebody.

For those of you who don’t know what is QR code, here’s what Wikipedia says:

A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) designed to be read by smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, a URL, or other data.

First of all, in order to build a QR code you will need rQRCode gem:

gem install rqrcode

You can see example of usage right on rQRCode’s homepage, so there’s no need for copy-pasting demos. So we’ll begin with more complex examples… But before we start let’s get some basic ideas about QR code:

QR code with HTML5 canvas

I know that there is a native JavaScript version of QR code generator (in fact rQRCode is a port of that library) but it seems like it’s outdated. To be honest this example was posted here just for fun - I always wanted to play with canvas element but didn’t had anything interesting to do. Now I found at least something more or less interesting ;))

Let’s assume, that we have a canvas element with id qr and text content that was produced by rQRCode, something like this:

puts'').to_s(:true => '#')

Now, to convert that string, we can use this simple JavaScript, that will replace # chars with black dots and (spaces) with white dots:

var scale   = 4,                              // each dot's size in pixels
    dark    = '#',                            // char representing "dark" dot
    qr      = document.getElementById('qr'),  // canvas element
    data    = qr.textContent,                 // QR code as a string
    context = qr.getContext('2d');            // context used to draw dots

// jQuery alike array iterator
var each = function each(arr, fn) {
  var i, l;
  for (i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
    fn(i, arr[i]);

// set canvas dimensions. amount of line breaks + 1 dot (last line has no NL)
qr.width = qr.height = scale * data.match(/\n/g).length + scale;

// for each row
each(data.split(/\n/), function (y, row) {
  y *= scale;

  // for each col
  each(row.match(/./g), function (x, col) {
    x *= scale;

    context.fillStyle = (dark === col) ? '#000' : '#fff';
    context.fillRect(x, y, x + scale, y + scale);

That’s so simple! In fact I was even disappointed - it was not as fun as I was expecting it to be ;)) But at least it works. You can try it easily, by downloading sample-1.html from support bits of this article (see sources of my blog on GitHub).

Let’s bring some Magick…

To be honest preparing QR code with Rmagick is also not a big issue. The biggest issue is to install RMagick gem ;)) But installation of rmagick is out of scope of this post. For me it was as simple with Ruby 1.9.2 as:

gem install rmagick

Now, let’s get to the most interesting part… To grab dots of our QR code we will use modules attribute of rQRCode instance and it’s method dark?.

First of all in order to save some time and lots of nerves, we need to understand that modules is a matrix represented by 2-dimension array where first dimension is a row, second - column, and dark?(row, col) returns whenever given column in a row should be dark or not.

qr.modules[1][2] // -> second row, third column
qr.dark?(1, 2)   // -> whenever second row, third column should be dark or not

After you got the idea about internal secrets, you can easily create your own QR code image generator, like this:

require 'rqrcode'
require 'RMagick'

# usage: ruby sample-2.rb "" /tmp/demo.png

SCALE   = 4

# prepare qr and img objects
qr    =
size  = qr.modules.count * SCALE
img   =, size)

# draw matrix
qr.modules.each_index do |r|
  row = r * SCALE

  qr.modules.each_index do |c|
    col = c * SCALE
    dot =

    dot.fill(qr.dark?(r, c) ? 'black' : 'white')
    dot.rectangle(col, row, col + SCALE, row + SCALE)

# produce image
img.write OUTPUT

Going wild

Although examples above are clean enough, real life usage is much more interesting than an abstract horse in surrealistic vacuum. ;)) That’s why I have added QR Code into the bottom of each page (visible on “printer-friendly” version of styles). Explanation of how did I made this is big enough to become separate article. So, you can either wait for my new post or take a look at sources (see revision cf2c8c71c5440cebfe1b601f4449ae6a711b9002) of my blog for interesting files:

Legal Note

“QR Code” is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

This registered trademark applies only for the word “QR Code”, and not for the QR Code pattern (image). See QR Code Patent FAQ for more info.

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