I believe most of developers in Rails community use delegate
method to define
delegators, because (according to documentation) it looks nicer and it’s API
more human readable. I disagree and encourage you to look at Forwardable
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If you are running Sidekiq, then, most likely you would like to share it’s
redis connection with other bits of your application. For example, you want to
implement a throttler for some Rails action, or you want to use some gem, that
needs redis, e.g. redis-semaphore. Well, it’s easier than it might sound…
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dtach is a tiny program that emulates detach feature of screen. You
can use it to run, for example WeeChat in background without suspending it.
And tmux is an awesome feature-rich alternative to screen. So why one would
want to use tmux in place of dtach? Personally I do because it allows to change
X window title, thus I can make sure WeeChat is always opened on 8th workspace
in my XMonad without any extra hacks.
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