Mimic dtach with tmux

dtach is a tiny program that emulates detach feature of screen. You can use it to run, for example WeeChat in background without suspending it. And tmux is an awesome feature-rich alternative to screen. So why one would want to use tmux in place of dtach? Personally I do because it allows to change X window title, thus I can make sure WeeChat is always opened on 8th workspace in my XMonad without any extra hacks.

So let’s summarize what I want from tmux:

To achieve that I’m gonna create a config for tmux and a launcher something like this:

# file ~/.local/bin/weechat
tmux start
tmux -f ~/.tmux/weechat.conf new -d -A -s weechat weechat-curses \; attach

Pretty simple enough, now all we need is a config for tmux:

# Unbind default prefix, so that there will be no hotkeys available and bind
# hotkeys we are interested in:

unbind C-b

bind-key -n C-\   detach
bind-key -n C-F10 kill-session

# Disable (hide) status line completely

set-option -g status off

# Force tmux to resize a window based on the smallest client actually
# viewing it, not on the smallest one attached to the entire session.

set-window-option -g aggressive-resize on

# 256 Colours

set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

# Set history limit

set-option -g history-limit 0

# Window titling for X

set-option -g set-titles on
set-option -g set-titles-string '#W'

And that’s all. To simplify this process I’ve released a Ruby gem dmux. Alternatively you can (if you by some reason aware of Ruby) use initial Shell script of mine:


set -e

APP=$(echo $* | sed -e "s/^  *|  *$//g")
SID=$(echo "$APP" | md5sum | cut -f1 -d" ")
RUN="tmux -L dmux"

if [ -z "$APP" ]; then
  echo "USAGE: dmux <command>" >&2
  exit 1

test -e "$CFG" || cat > "$CFG" <<CONFIG
# Unbind default prefix, so that there will be no hotkeys available and bind
# hotkeys we are interested in:

unbind C-b

bind-key -n C-\   detach
bind-key -n C-F10 kill-session

# Disable (hide) status line completely

set-option -g status off

# Force tmux to resize a window based on the smallest client actually
# viewing it, not on the smallest one attached to the entire session.

set-window-option -g aggressive-resize on

# 256 Colours

set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

# Set history limit

set-option -g history-limit 0

# Window titling for X

set-option -g set-titles on
set-option -g set-titles-string '#W'

session_exists () {
  $RUN has -t "$SID" 2>/dev/null

create_session () {
  $RUN new -d -A -s "$SID" "$APP" \; source "$CFG" \; attach

attach_session () {
  $RUN attach -t "$SID"

session_exists && attach_session || create_session

Just save it as dmux somewhere within your $PATH environment variable and don’t forget to chmod +x it.

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